Grounds for Health Auction Bid Wins Help Women in Coffee Growing Regions

Home Roast Coffee is pleased to announce that we were able to win the bids for 3 new Coffees that were donated to Grounds For Health which is instrumental in saving lives in Coffee Producing Regions.

The Auction is one of the ways our Specialty Coffee Community helps support those who Produce the Coffee we love, and we are happy to be part of this effort. The Coffees and related items are Generously donated by Members of our Specialty Coffee Community and Auctioned to Coffee Lovers like you and me.

We will be offering the three Coffees which will be noted as our Grounds for Health Auction wins soon along with a blog post describing them in more detail.

For more information on Grounds for Health click this

We would like to Thank the Folks who made these Generous Donations:

Atlas Coffee Importers

Crop to Cup Coffee Importers

Mt Top Coffee, and Jim Cone of Coffee and Tea Ltd.

Behmor Inc.

Scott Brill
Scott Brill
