Guys Really! I shouldn't have to tell you this one but here goes.
Why do some of us stand outside in the cold watching a huge pot of boiling oil that may just burn our house to the ground on Thanksgiving?
Why do we spend hours smoking Ribs or a nice Brisket?
Why do so many of us smell like charcoal a good part of the year just to cook a couple of steaks and a pile of hamburgers?
Is it because we have to eat?
We could eat something from a box. We could eat something from a bag.
We could drink something somebody else cooked, who knows when, or worse put in a can, but why?
The sense of accomplishment we get when we make something great, especially when we enjoy it with Family and Friends!
Fresh Roasted Coffee is simply better!
Roasting great tasting coffee can be as easy as popping corn.
Even in this age of precooked meals, frozen ready to cook dinners, and numerous instant drinks including coffee, we all know it is just better when you make it fresh.
Green Coffee is simply the raw ingredient you start with to assure you of having delicious FRESH coffee.
Roasting great tasting coffee can be as easy as popping corn.
Special now through June Lower price on 2 Lb per Month, Includes shipping and Free Gift Wrap of your first shipment!
Look for it on our Green Coffee Beans page.
Please help us select the topic for our next Home Roast Coffee video to post on our YouTube channel. Current suggestions include a basic and general How to Roast Coffee, Roasting with an SR300 or SR500, or Green Coffee Basics.
Leave a comment or Contact us.
If a Featured Products' description includes 1 Free Lb of Green Coffee you will get 2 with that purchase in March.
Two will get four and five will get you ten Lbs with applicable Featured Products.
These are some of the most popular Home Coffee Roasting products like the FreshRoast SR500 and Hottop KN-8828B-2K.
Available Only in our Featured Products Collection during March while supplies last, limited to one per household.