
Customer Comments November 19

Dan Colburn

1:20 PM (39 minutes ago)
to comments
I met you at the Delavan, WI craft fair and have now tried my hand at this. Still learning, but I am beginning to get very good results.
The 'air pop' method works well; I just have to learn exactly when to stop. My roasts are getting a bit lighter now and I no longer have chaff flying around the room. The Guatemala works best right now but if I can get the timing right, my Costa Rican could start doing better. I intend to get many other of the lesser expensive coffees to experiment with. Regardless, as long as I get good results, it is a whole lot less expensive than roasted coffee from a specialty store and a whole lot fresher.
Thanks for getting me started.
September 09, 2014

Reviews ›

Review of Home Roast Coffee from Wayne L

Last week we received the following emails from Wayne L. at For taking the time to send the review Wayne received a code for Free Shipping on orders of $50 good through the rest of this year. We only need your contact email to send the code, we will not publish it unless you wish to.

On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 8:02 PM,  Wayne L. wrote:


I'm enjoying my recent purchase immensely. You have the best quality at the best price I have found anywhere. I was pleasantly surprised by the free sample of Ethiopian Harrar and couldn't wait to try it, it being number one on my list of varieties to try next. Everything arrived quickly and in excellent condition and I am currently working my way through the order. My whole family is so impressed with the freshness and quality of home roasted coffee that I may never buy store bought again.




---------- Original Message ----------
Subject: Re: comments
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2014 10:13:28 -0500 

Your welcome to use the review without my contact info, I'm looking forward to doing more business with you in the future. 



Seven New Coffees Available at Home Roast Coffee including 2 supporting Grounds For Health

We have been adding the new coffees to the Green Coffee Beans collection as fast as we can do a few various roasts and applicable cuppings. 

The First two we were the winning Bidder for on the Grounds For Health coffee Auction to support Grounds For Health mission to provide health screenings to women in coffee growing Regions.

First is our Sumatra Indonesia Lintong Peaberry Rain Forest Alliance GFH, grown within view of Lake Toba in the Lintong Region of Sumatra.


Sumatra coffee plants overlooking lake Toba          Sumatra Lintong forest and architecture                    Ripe hand picked Lintong coffee cherries


Second on our list is another GFH Auction coffee. Ethiopia Kaffa Forest Chiri Coop Gr 2 TNS project GFH. This delicious coffee comes from the place where we probably first discovered coffee (the name comes from Kaffa). The TNS project provides Chiri Coop Members with Best practices training for coffee cultivation, picking, and processing. The Chiri washing station operates an ECO Pulper that uses 1/10 the usual amount of water consumed in wet processing of coffee cherries.


Chiri Coop Coffee Producers in Kaffa Ethiopia


For every pack of the 2 Grounds for Health Coffees we sell on Our site we will donate $1 to Grounds For Health.


Just added to the site today, click on the links to see more details for each coffee:

Bolivia ASOCAFE Fair Trade Organic Amor de Dios Washing Station.

Java A/WP1 Bayu Kidul Estate Washed.

Other recent additions.

Rwanda Fully Washed, Scr 15 up, Mushonyi Washing Station, Lake Kivu 

Papua New Guinea Plantation A/X, Waghi BOB

Sulawesi Toraja Mamasa, Kalossi, Gr 1


More coming soon, Thank you for your support.

Sumatra Lintong Photos courtesy of Crop to Cup Importers who donated to Grounds For Health.

Ethiopia Chiri Coop Members Photo courtesy Atlas Coffee Importers who donated the coffee to Grounds For Health.



Grounds For Health Ethiopia Kaffa Forest Chiri Coop TNS project Auction Coffee now available

From the Birthplace of Coffee in western Ethiopia the Mankira forest in the Kaffa Region Grounds For Healthstill produces Ethiopian Heirloom "Native Kaffa Type" Semi-forest and wild farming coffee. This may very well be the closest we can get to the flavor of coffee first discovered by humans centuries ago. Generously donated by Atlas Coffee Importers to the Coffee Auction to support their efforts to provide health services to women in coffee growing locations. We are happy to be the high bidder on this fine coffee in support of Grounds For Health and now have it available for you. This coffee reflects our goals of Great Taste, Value, People and Earth friendly. We will additionally donate $1 for every pack of Ethiopa Kaffa Forest Chiri Coop GFH gr 2 sold on our website this year.


Ethiopia Kaffa Forest Chiri Coop Coffee      Mankira Forest Birthplace of Coffee           Chiri Coop Smallholder Members

Chiri Coop is a TNS project to organize and educate 440 Smallholder farmers around a centralized Wetmill, Drying, and storage facility "Chiri". The Farmers hand pick and sort the coffee cherries for proper ripeness before submitting to processing.

Chiri Coop uses a modern Eco Pulper to remove the skin and fruit from the cherries while consuming 1/10 the normal amount of water used in the Washed process.  

Atlas Coffee Importers cupping note: "Black currant and cocoa in the aroma. Flavors of currant, blackberries, hazelnut and cocoa. Very flavor intense with distinct blackberry acidity. The mouth feel is rich, intense and juicy. Overall it is complex and balanced with mature dark fruit notes and great body."

Photos of Mankira Forest Ethiopia and Chiri Coop Members, and Kaffa / Chiri information courtesy of Atlas Coffee Importers.

New Coffees arrived

We are very exited to try several new coffees in our various Home Roasters and brew methods. We have been cupping new coffees from this years' crop and selected several we really like. Along with another of our Grounds for Health Auction coffees we will be adding them to the Green Beans page in a week or two. We will provide more detail as we compile more sensory evidence on each new coffee.

Grounds for Health Auction Bid Wins Help Women in Coffee Growing Regions

Home Roast Coffee is pleased to announce that we were able to win the bids for 3 new Coffees that were donated to Grounds For Health which is instrumental in saving lives in Coffee Producing Regions.

The Auction is one of the ways our Specialty Coffee Community helps support those who Produce the Coffee we love, and we are happy to be part of this effort. The Coffees and related items are Generously donated by Members of our Specialty Coffee Community and Auctioned to Coffee Lovers like you and me.

We will be offering the three Coffees which will be noted as our Grounds for Health Auction wins soon along with a blog post describing them in more detail.

For more information on Grounds for Health click this

We would like to Thank the Folks who made these Generous Donations:

Atlas Coffee Importers

Crop to Cup Coffee Importers

Mt Top Coffee, and Jim Cone of Coffee and Tea Ltd.

Behmor Inc.

Home Coffee Roasting Benefits. #8

We have all been bombarded lately with Ads and articles touting the benefits of keeping your brain active doing teasers, questions, and puzzles. Many of us are willing to pay for the opportunity to participate in these brain games. Why not use our minds more to accomplish what has become routine in our automated society? Write a letter (this is a thing with actual paper and a manual writing instrument called a Pen) to a friend or loved one, calculate the distance of your next bike ride in your head counting the blocks and miles, create a meal like your Mother used to make where she only told you a pinch of this and a dash of that for seasoning (figure it out), and of course Roast and brew your own coffee.

You can outline your template for roasting, a Profile you might try and tweak to perfection.

Which bean to roast? How much? How fast? Change the heat or stay the course? Use a fan or adjust it? How dark to roast this bean? Which Crack is it in and when does it end? How long should it rest before trying a cup or try it over a few days? Should I blend this with another bean? Which one (s)? Different roasts?

How shall I brew this fresh coffee? Drip? Press? Pour over? Vacuum pot? How much to use? How to grind it? How fine to grind it?

Now analyze it and decide how and what to adjust the next time, if anything.

You have now exercised your mind, made a friend or Loved one's day, done your cardio with a sense of accomplishment, created a new one and probably recalled a fond memory as well eating too much (back to the bike), and enjoyed a great cup of Joe that you made with your own hands and mind.